Saturday, September 23, 2006

Domestic travel increases this Autumn holidays

By Lydia Lum,
WNS Business Correspondent

JACOB - More families are opting for local travel packages this Autumn holidays which begin tommorrow. WNS spoke to several travel agents and found out that the most popular destination is Richmond. One travel agent, Lily Neo, told WNS, "Richmond is a city away from the cities. The life over there is very much peaceful and many Linaporeans are going there to relax and enjoy themselves."

WNS understands that many Linaporeans are choosing to travel locally as it is cheaper and due to the short span of the holidays. Jacob Air has received an increase in bookings over this period and will increase their number of fleets in domestic operations due to the large demand.

Besides air travel, rail operators like LIST have also recorded a rise in bookings during this holiday period. Retailers are also set to make more business in the coming days from the Autumn holidays. Market analysts tell WNS that the Linapore economy will gain from these holidays, but say they will not speculate on the figures.


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