Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thailand's Coup - Linapore's Reactions

By Tanya Fang,
WNS Foreign Affairs Correspondent

JACOB - Following the coup which took placed in Thailand, the foreign minister of Linapore has expressed concern over the situation in Bangkok. In a statement issued to the press, he says its too early to give his comments and he will also be monitoring the situation closely.

The Foreign Ministry of Linapore has advised Linaporeans not to travel to Thailand unneccessarily. The Foreign Ministry is advising Linaporeans travelling to Thailand to register with the ministry so that it can get in touch with them if neccessary. It is also encouraging Linaporeans currently in Bangkok to keep in touch with the Linapore embassy in Bangkok.

The Thai embassy in Linapore says its operations are not affected by the coup and will remain open, which is good for travellers heading to Thailand.

According to Linapore Airline's spokeman, there has been no cancellations to the airline's operations to Thailand. Linapore Airline operates a total of three daily flights to Thailand, two of which are direct flights to Bangkok from Jacob and Malcom. The Airline also says that penalties and fees for cancellation or rerouting for customers travelling to Bangkok during this period will be waived.

Tour agents, who have been interviewed by WNS, say that the coup in Thailand will definitely have an impact on Thailand's tourism industry. They have also received a number of calls from customers cancelling or delaying their tours to Thailand.

One analyst WNS spoke to feels that the coup in Thailand will not have a significant impact to economies of Linapore and other Northeast Asian countries. He notes that the coup has taken place peacefully without any bloodshed and the military leader has also assured the Thai people that a prime minister will be elected in a fortnight's time. However, markets across the region fell after the news broke as Thailand's crisis was slowly unfolding. Despite that, he says that the markets will return back to normal shortly after the situation in Thailand has stabilised.


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