Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Art exhibition shows bare gallery

By Anthony Yap,
WNS Dickson Correspondent

DICKSON - An artist has been given a grant to put on an exhibition consisting of nothing but an empty gallery. Greggory Pipe, aged 50, said the aim was to encourage people to walk around the empty rooms and discuss memories of other galleries. He said this art work had divided opinion among fellow artists, but some visitors had "got a lot out of it". It has been funded by the Arts Council of Dickson and a charity that supports arts and science.

Pipe, who represented Linapore at the Venice Biennale art festival in 2004, said: "You can simplify the context and ignore my intentions, but there are also people who know the work and see it in an informed way. Obviously, there's a split reaction. There are those who love it and those who wonder why I've done it. There are three distinct audiences: the people I've worked with over the last few weeks, those who come to the event who know the wider context and don't trivialise the work, and people who have no idea what's in here."

The exhibition, Gallery Empty Space, benefited from a portion of L$50,000 funding given by the Arts Council of Dickson. He added, "If you read the comments in the visitors' book, even people I wouldn't expect to understand the full context have got a lot out of it."


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