Sunday, October 22, 2006

Brain warning in cannabis TV ad

By Gary Teh,
WNS Jacob Correspondent

JACOB - A TV advertisement warning young people of the damage cannabis can do to the brain is to be screened as part of a drugs awareness campaign. The advert, by drug helpline NoToDrugs(NTD), is set in a brain shop in the future where customers can buy new brains when their own has become too addled. It aims to show that prolonged use of cannabis can lead to mood swings, poor motivation, paranoia and vomiting. But one mental health charity said it did not outline all the risks. The commercial, to be aired from Monday, features a spooky shop assistant who advises spaced-out customers how best to choose a new brain.

The so-called Brain Store is stocked with more than 20 different brains, cerebral fluid and memory stalks, all catering for the symptoms of cannabis use. A spokesman from NTD said they were particularly targeting 11- to 17-year-olds. He added that although cannabis was being produced to be stronger than ever before, it was clear from its helpline and case studies that the class C drug was growing in popularity. We know more and more that cannabis is the drug of choice of young people," he said. "The aim is to drive home that cannabis is harmful."


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