Thursday, October 12, 2006

Linapore's economy grows 10.2% year-on-year in Q3

By Derrick James,
WNS Malcom Business Correspondent

MALCOM - Linapore's economy is expected to have grown 10.2 percent on year in the third quarter, according to advanced estimates by the Trade and Finance Ministry. The number was largely in line with expectations. But, on a seasonally adjusted and annualised basis, the economy is said to have expanded 5 percent - at least double market consensus.

Linapore's ports were working overtime in the third quarter shipping out high-tech products and pharmaceuticals to markets around the world. There was also good external demand for oil rigs and, locally, shoppers were out spending again. All these helped the economy grow at an estimated annualised rate of 5 percent in the third quarter, up from 2.4 percent in the previous three months.


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