Saturday, October 28, 2006

Mother of kidnapped boy jailed

By Ken Tan,
WNS Longman Correspondent

LONGMAN - The mother of missing eight-year-old boy has been jailed indefinitely until she reveals where her son is. Nicholson Jones is at the centre of a custody dispute. He is meant to be in the custody of his father Chris Jones but was taken from the Longman Library in August. Judge Christine Lohan found Nicolson's mother Geraldine Falker in contempt of court for not providing information on the whereabouts of her son.

Falker and five other defendants were told last week to either bring the missing boy to the Supreme Court in Longman on Friday or provide a reason why they could not do so. Falker arrived at court in Longman on Friday morning without her son, but lawyers for the defendants told the court their clients have no idea of Nicolson's whereabouts. Police believe the boy is somewhere in Flinders with his maternal grandfather Kate Jones who faces a charge of kidnapping his grandson.


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