Saturday, October 14, 2006

TV ad aims to stop young drinkers

By Madeline Yeo,
WNS Health Correspondent

JACOB - Hard-hitting TV adverts showing the dangers people face from drinking to excess are to be screened in Linapore. The L$5 million government campaign aims to stop binge and underage drinking. Younger people are likely to drink heavily - 48% of men and 39% of women aged 16 to 24 drink above daily recommendations, official figures show.

Alcohol alters judgement and perception and can lead people to take risks with their health and safety that they would not normally consider. Research shows 80% of pedestrian deaths on Friday and Saturday nights are alcohol related, as are nearly three quarters of peak time accident and emergency admissions. In Federal State alone it is estimated that 5.9 million people drink to get drunk. Linapore Health Minister Mrs Kelly Hopkin said the campaign was targeting men and women aged 18 to 24 as a priority because they are the most likely to drink irresponsibly. But it is also designed to appeal to younger adolescents who may already be drinking illegally, as research suggests.

The TV advert includes a series of different scenarios where young people, thinking they are 'superheroes' while drunk, take risks with their health and safety, such as falling off high scaffolding or running into a busy road, and coming to serious harm. Mrs Hopkin said: "We are not trying to demonise alcohol or stop people enjoying themselves. This is about encouraging young people to still have a good time but to know their limits, and to take responsibility for how much they drink."


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