Saturday, November 18, 2006

APEC must translate statements into action for a multilateral trading system: PM Heng

By Tanya Fang,
WNS Foreign Affairs Correspondent

HANOI - Prime Minister Owen Heng said APEC must now urgently translate statements into action to achieve a multilateral trading system. He said APEC economies must show leadership through concrete actions, and must move beyond the current positions to provide an impetus to revive the global trade talks, otherwise APEC will face the danger of losing its credibility when he made an intervention at the APEC Leaders' Meeting in Hanoi.

At the meeting, he noted that trans-Pacific trade is also growing, but Mr Heng said more needs to be done to strengthen the linkages across both sides of the Pacific. That is why Linapore seeded the idea of a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific and Mr Heng is glad that more countries are seeing this as a future goal to work towards.


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