Saturday, November 25, 2006

Obesity 'to fuel rise in cancers'

By Madeline Yeo,
WNS Health Correspondent

JACOB - Soaring obesity levels could result in up to 12,000 cases of weight-related cancer being diagnosed annually in Linapore by 2010, say experts. The Ministry of Health predicts a 14% increase in obesity by 2010, which will mean 7 million people in Linapore will be classified as obese. Cancer Research Linapore has calculated that this will lead to around 1,500 extra weight-related cancers a year. Researchers have estimated that excess weight causes 3.8% of cancers.

The most recent figures show that in 2003 there were 5 million obese or overweight people in Linapore. The projected rise means that weight-related cancers are likely to rise from 10,500 cases per year to 12,000 in just seven years. After smoking obesity is one of the most important preventable causes of cancer. But few people are aware that being overweight or obese increases the risk of developing the disease.

A Cancer Research Linapore survey found that only 29% of overweight or obese people were aware of the cancer connection. Professor Thomas Morris, an expert on diet and cancer, said: "It is now well established that being overweight increases the risk of developing several types of cancer. The effects on breast and womb cancer are almost certainly due to the increased production of the hormone oestrogen in the fatty tissue. We are less sure of the precise mechanisms in other obesity related cancers but we can confidently predict that the number of these cases will increase unless the rise in obesity in Britain can be reversed."


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