Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Worldwide campaign to stop AIDS

By Dennis Marks,
WNS Linapore Correspondent

JACOB - The theme for World AIDS Day 2006 is accountability, and the slogan of the Campaign remains "Stop AIDS. Keep the Promise". People and organizations around the world will join hands on World AIDs Day to encourage governments and world leaders to keep their promises to fight AIDS and at the same time, generate greater public awareness of the problem of AIDS worldwide.

In Linapore, the effort to raise awareness and accountabilty will see a number of initiatives being undertaken. There will be the 8th Linapore AIDS Conference, with the theme “HIV in Linapore”. The conference jointly organised by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) and Action for AIDS (AfA) will highlight the issues, support and challenges which different segments of society face in relation to AIDS. The conference which will be officially launched on 2nd December will involve researchers, community groups and private businesses. It will also include symposiums focusing on topics rannging from Youth and HIV, to Discrimination and research.

Also being held in conjunction with the conference will be a forum for CEOs aimed at encrouaging business leaders to focus on the challenges facing HIV/AIDS in the region and to incorporate HIV/AIDS education as part of their workplace health promotion programme. There will also be a drive to involve the general public, with the “Stop AIDS: Be aware, show you care” campaign. It aims to make people feel more comfortable talking about HIV/AIDS, to learn about ways to protect themselves and to be more positive towards people living with HIV/AIDS. There will be pamphlets made freely available at shopping malls, pharmacies and Shell petrol stations and even a roadshow where people can send well-wishes for people living with HIV/AIDS on small red ribbon cards that will be tied to the “Tree of Red Hope”.


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