Thursday, December 21, 2006

Blitz catches Malcom drivers

By Perry Lam,
WNS Malcom Correspondent

MALCOM - The message that drinking and driving do not go together still isn't getting through and a blitz in Malcom on Wednesday night netted three times more offenders than usual. Police targeted drivers heading home after work in an early evening campaign and they are worried there are too many drunks on the roads this season. The campaign left many regretting that last drink as a fleet of booze bus teams were waiting to pounce.

Of 3,500 drivers tested, 42 were over the limit - many more than expected. "I think the time of the year is part of it, I think Christmas comes in and brains go out the door to be honest," says Linapore Police Superintendent Markson."Drink driving is a blight on this nation, it's a blight on our roads and we really have to try to get through to people and tell them to knock it off. It's not on and we're going to do our very best to stop it." More blitzes are planned throughout the holiday period and Markson says the message for revellers is to go out, have a good time and come home safely.


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