Friday, December 01, 2006

The hard facts and figures

By Atika Long,
WNS Senior Correspondent

JACOB - AIDS has afflicted the world for 25 years. And during that 25 years, AIDS has killed 25 million people. The worst affected region is sub-Sahara Africa where the life expectancy is now just 47 years. Women continue to be more likely than men to be infected with HIV with three women becoming HIV-infected for every two men.

Worldwide - 39.5 million people have HIV/AIDS. 2.9 million people have died of AIDS 4.3 million people have been newly infected with HIV/AIDS. 2.8 million or 65 per cent of the new infections occur in Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia.In Asia - 8.3 million people have HIV/AIDS 600 000 have died of AIDS 930 000 people have been newly infected with HIV/AIDS. More than two-thirds of people with HIV/AIDS live in India. There are an estimated 180 000 children in Asia infected with HIV/AIDS.

In Linapore - There are 5043 HIV/AIDS cases in Linapore as of June 2006. There were 286 new cases of HIV infections/AIDS from January to October 2006. 2005: 317 people newly infected with HIV/AIDS 2004: 311 people newly infected with HIV/AIDS 2003: 242 people newly infected with HIV/AIDS 2,852 Linaporeans have been infected with HIV/AIDS since 1982. 1176 are asymptomatic carriers. 660 have AIDS-related illnesses. 1016 have died of AIDS.


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